So today marks another year I've been blessed to be on earth. Yuup It's my Birthday today and while I'm not making to much of any noise I thought I'd keep it simple today, do somethings for myself and hang with close friends/family. Below is the newly released single from the BP3 - Forever Young... Kinda explains my life at this point because no matter the age I'll forever be young at heart, always living life, and loving who I am in the process...
Well I'm Kinda Glad 2 See The Snow But It's kinda messed up my plans for the weeknd. I was supposed to attend this All Black Party 2nite and I was hosting a game party on Saturday.. Well I guess things happen for reason so I won't complain... I got a nice bottle of Ciroc and my X-Box with plenty of things to do right here in the house....Next year for my 30th Birthday I Think I'm gonna celebrate in either Miami or Las Vegas...Let's Gooooooooooo
First it was fitted hats, then i grew up and concentrated on hot shoes (which I still love) now i've moved on to interesting and cool watches..? IDK why but I think they are a neat accessory especially when it comes to us dudes. I remember when it was cool to get one as a birthday or anniversary gift now it's like they are obsolete now that cell phones are so convenient..? Anyway I was shopping on Karmaloop and I found some very cool and interesting watches that caught my eye...
These can be found on with most retailing around $90.. not bad.
What does it mean to you? I was listening to the Kid Cudi track and it made me think about my own Pursuit Of Happiness.. I think for me it's doing what I love and makes me happy job wise, living in a area I feel is not dreadful, and spending it with someone I love and feel compatible with.. I know with God all of that will come...I just gotta be patient..
So along with the usual shoes, clothes, money etc... I wanna do something different this year on the actual day of my birthday. Since I'll be out of school I'm contemplating on getting a tattoo. I'm juggling around ideas and I'm not getting anything to expensive so I won't break my pockets but I've been eying this Capricorn tat.. IDk I just wanna get my sleeve going.. Yuuup my left arm is gonna be a masterpiece..!
Wow I Can't Believe These Two Are Making A Video Together.. Good To See They Have Buried The Hatchet and Moved On From All The BS... If You Haven't Already Go Cop The Album... "Before I Self Destruct" In Stores Now!
This video makes me think of when rap crews were in....I just hope they don't lose any steam and everybody actually releases music.. On the real Drake/Nicki/Wayne are the biggest stars in the group.. IDK about the rest of the folks..
I'm going to this Black Party In A Few Weeks.. And These are the final three I'm going with??? I Think Cardigan's Are Stylish, Classy, and Professional..
To People who don't have friends in real life? I've always wondered that especially when it comes to Myspace, Facebook, and especially Twitter. It's just funny when I see certain shit.. but it could be just
Know Your Status!! I Got Tested Today And It Felt Good. So Many People are Walking Around And Don't Know They Even Have It... Get Test and Stay Informed..