So this is not a typical "Music Review" but my own take on a album that's refreshing and takes place on the sensitive side of Ms. Badu's brain... From beginning to end this album takes you on a journey through love and life with everything in the middle... From "20 Feet Tall" she describes how her and a lover have drifted apart and wondering how did it every come to that point..
real ish right there..
"Window Seat" aside from the video takes a look into a woman who has decided in the end it's all about me, myself, and I, Cause I need somebody Who's gonna be in my corner..Badu wants to feel needed and loved......It's so smooth and groovy which reminds me of old Badu...
Another Standout favorite is "Turn Me Away (Get Munny)...which samples Sylvia Striplin - Can't Turn Away Love...with parts of Junior Mafia's "Get Money"...She rides for her dude eventho she knows he must hustle to bring home the money... I love Badu!
Other favorites of mine are "Gone Baby, Don't Be Long".. "Love", and "Fall In Love (Your Funeral)... Point Blank the entire album... Also If You haven't heard Go and Cop "New Amerykah Pt.1"...
I love Erykah Badu's artistic style and her mission not be placed in a box labeled by record execs and a industry misunderstood on what "real" music is all about..
New Amerykah Pt. 2 "Return Of The Ankh".. In Stores Now!
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