Friday, August 27, 2010

Fantasia "Back to me".. my take on it all...

Okay so amid all the rumors, gossip, and alleged suicide attempt Fantasia delivers a great 3rd album that displays why she won American Idol many moons ago.. From start to finish Fanny takes you on a rollercoaster ride of her ups and downs all of what seems to be rules and lessons of finding what love is...

On tracks "I'm Doin Me", Bittersweet, and The Thrill Is Gone, She displays her Independence, riding the tracks as if she's had enough.. which bugs me as to why she wasn't playing this album during the whole "I just want out" fiasco...

Stand out tracks would have to "Man Of The House", Collard Greens and Cornbread, and Teach Me...

I'm not gonna judge her situation because under the right pressure all of us will crack. We are all human and fall short.. I will say fam isn't for everybody but if she's content on staying in the industry she's gonna have to develop thicker skin otherwise there won't be a next time.

Fantasia a very talented young woman and with her voice, stage presence, and overall personality can see out arenas over the world... She has time to evolve and grow.. Sometimes cutting off people you care about the most is key to elevate. I'm praying her dark days are behind her atleast getting played in the media..

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