Nobody on any level loves the idea of being "rejected". Whether it's a job, family member, friend, or romantic interest nobody wants to feel rejected and left out in the cold. But on the flip side of that when in the position of feeling or being ousted are those moments ammunition to want to play harder to obtain the attention of the rejecter? Sure if a job rejects you it gives you the will power to be able to work harder to improve your skills to hopefully catch the eye of a potential employer.
So I'm watching the talk show "Tyra" which I rarely watch and this particular episode dealt with how people had a difficult time getting over their ex's and one female guest said it's not that she wanted to be with her ex but the fact he rejected her and basically he erased her from his life.. she didn't take "rejection" so well and it made her want to be with him even more. I for one feel as tho when I'm on the outside looking in and it confuses me with a big question mark on my forehead lol.
Sometimes we tend to pursue things not good or important to our life but because the certain person or persons deem us "uncool" to be in their company we seem to work harder to vye for the attention along the areas. Is rejection really important to you?
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