I was having a interesting conversation with a friend of mine and we were discussing interracial dating. I know some people don't have issues with it but will state they won't date outside their race. I know for me it's not a big deal and even though I've never did it I'd be open to anybody who makes me happy and will love me for the person I am rather then the skin on my back. I believe beauty can be found in a variety of color, shapes and sizes. As I get older I view people differently and Love should not be limited to ones own race... How do you feel?
Here's my take on the situation. I am white. I am white because my parents are both white. My parents are both white because their parents were both white. If I want a child that resembles me, I need to find a white partner. My partner will be white because their parents were both white. If you just don't care about what you are and why you are what you are, go out and enjoy interracial dating.