Friday, October 30, 2009

Jay-Z Feat Alicia Keys "Empire State Of Mind" Vid..

Even if you are not from New York this song will surely get you hype. I was visiting NYC a few weekends ago and it seems like they played this non stop. I couldn't get it out my head. I Love the video and the collaboration between the two was crazy... No Lil Mama interruptions

Thursday, October 29, 2009

MisCommunication Of Bryan Blanco.....

Ok.. So Let Me Get This Off.. I Suffer From Only Child Syndrome and I'm used to pretty much everything being my way.. I don't necessary mean for it to be that way but it comes off like that and I don't always agree with my actions. I'm not one to allow things to bring me down and I more often than not speak my mind and if it's something I feel passionate about I indulge in it..What pisses me off is people fool themselves into thinking because my personality is happy go lucky 95% of the time you can just walk all over me and think I'll lay like a oriental rug, that my friend is far from the truth. I have nothing but the utmost respect for my friends, family and even my enemies which the latter don't even register in my radar...All I'm saying is if there is a problem let's discuss it.. if you don't like something I said speak on it like men/women/adults etc... I'm not hard to get along with. Communication is very big to me and sadly a lack of is the downfall to the many relationships we acquire in our lifetime. Food For Thought..

Chris Brown's Video 4 "I Can Transform Ya"

Monday, October 5, 2009

Usher's New Single "Papers"

this new song "Papers" by Usher is really brilliant. I'm glad he wised up and realized that the one who he thought he loved wasn't exactly the one he should have been with it. I Love The end when he said you made me "hate" my mother.. I love that part.
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